Let's get in touch
Thanks for your interest! I would like to hear about you also!
For exhibition and sales inquiries, please contact me at dieter.f.mertens@gmail.com
For news and inspiration and appreciation:
Follow me on facebook: Dieter F Mertens - Paintings or Instagram: dieterfmertenspaintings
“THE BURIAL is selected due to its experimental approach and appeal to the young generation.”
“The exhibition THE BURIAL is unique because different media are used and because of the conceptual addition. The pile of paper is a large but limited edition of The Protocol. It is intended to be taken home by the visitor. This creates an airy, almost ironical note in the exhibition. Furthermore, it introduces an interaction between the visitor and the artist.”
“The paintings of dieter.f.mertens make you feel uneasy. Sure, they catch the eye on an obvious level, but the true power of the work lies underneath. dieter.f.mertens explores themes as distress, deception, shame or guilt… feelings that are all too human and all too familiar. Because the artist does not bypass these emotions, but instead subtly converts them into a stark frame and a desolate glare, his images intrigue, puzzle and linger.
The objects and subjects in dieter.f.mertens’ paintings are not enviable neither do they call out for sympathy. Instead, the painter himself shrouds them in a cold veil of compassion, thereby extending them a profound human dignity. In the end, the images of dieter.f.mertens are extremely comforting. Heavy stuff.
“Sotheby’s expected price
They roll your dice
The burial of paintings
Are you famous after all?
Marcel de Frietkolonel keert de volgorde wel”
“The interaction between the artworks and the poetry provides a refreshing combination.”
Upcoming exhibitions and events
Ongoing exhibitions and events
Past exhibitions and events
Mai 2024: OPen Atelier by Kunstwerkt, Leuven, BE
August - September 2023: H22 at CC Het Gasthuis, Aarschot, BE
July 2023: H22 short film at Breedbeeld Open Screen, Cinema Cartoons, Antwerp, BE
June - July 2023: H22 at St. Jan de Doperkerk, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, BE
Mai 2023: Open Atelier by Kunstwerkt, Leuven, BE
September 2022: H22 at Soul Repair Café at OPEK (Openbaar Entrepot voor de Kunsten), Leuven, BE
Mai 2022: Open Atelier by Kunstwerkt, Leuven, BE
October 2021: “I have no impact” + Selected Works at Dorpsklap Festival, Wijgmaal, BE
Mai 2021: Retrospective at CC Het Gasthuis, Aarschot, BE
October - November 2020: Selected Works at HaBoBib, Haacht, BE
Mai 2019: “Unspoken” a duo exhibition with MdFK with poems inspired by the exhibited paintings, at Felix Art, Tervuren, BE
April - Mai 2019: Solo exhibition of selected works at Theater Aleydis, Aarschot, BE
Mai 2018 - Oct 2018: "Public Domain" at Belcham, New York, USA
September 2018: "The Burial" hosted by Museum M and Stad Leuven at Gallery Tweebronnen, Leuven, BE
June 2018: "Against Protocol" & "Pierides" at KunstEN Kasseien, Mechelen, BE
November 2017 - April 2018: "Public Domain" at Belcham, San Francisco, USA
August 2017 - December 2017: Solo Exhibition "The Burial" and a selection of "Public Domain" and "Ode to the Disappointment" at Restaurant Henri - Brussels, BE
October 2017: Custom boots for the guest lead guitarist of the Greek metal band "Rotting Christ" at the T-monium festival in Bergen op Zoom, NL
September 2017: a selection of new work at the Do-Remy Living Room Concerts Festival - concert Gloria Monserez + Jan Hautekiet, Wijgmaal, BE
September 2017: "Against Protocol - M" at the 'Chapeau' concerts in restaurant Maures - Hakendover, BE
June 2017 - July 2017: Solo Exhibition "Against Protocol" & "Public Domain" at Mister Bean - Kessel-Lo, BE
March 2017 - Mai 2017; Pop Up Exhibition "Against Protocol" at Per Tutti - Aarschot, BE
March 2017: Solo Exhibition "The Burial" & a selection from "Ode to the Disappointment" and "Public Domain" at the Leuven Jazz Festival - concert Antoine Pierre + Bert Cools, BE
Feb - March 2017: representation of the Belgian sculptor Brecht Heytens for his exhibition at Museion - Museo d'arte contemporanea di Bolzano, Italy and an artist-in-residence assignment at ewo GmbH, Cortaccia, Italy
Jan - Feb 2017: "Against Protocol - M" at the 'Chapeau' concerts in restaurant Maures - Hakendover, BE
2016 - 2017 Exhibition: a selection from "Public Domain" and "The Doctor" at Boekarest, The Capital of Literature, Leuven, BE
2016 - "The Oblique Horizon" exhibited at the Bronks Theater - Brussels, BE
2016 - release short movie "The Burial", YouTube
2016 - Solo Exhibition "The Burial" - "Shoes and Feet" and a selection from "Public Domain", "Black Snow", "Ode to the Disappointment" and "Against Protocol" at the 'Chapeau' concert, Leuven, BE
2016 - Solo Exhibition "Ode to the Disappointment" - " Shoes and Feet" - a selection from "Public Domain" and "Black Snow" at the Do-Remy Living Room Concerts Festival, Wijgmaal, BE
2016 - Solo Exhibition "Ode to the Disappointment" - "Shoes and Feet" - "The Oblique Horizon" at Bar Stan, Leuven, BE
2016 - Solo Exhibition during the opening concert from EME - by Nachtuil Connecting Crowds and Artists - at the Leuven Jazz Festival, BE
dieter.f.mertens is inspired by the different aspects of psychology. The artist starts from emotions that are rarely shown in society. In his works, he visualises difficult subjects as disappointment, guilt, redemption. The precision of his skill, seems to remember the scientific approach of psycho-analytics. Each detail is exposed, every wrinkle, every doubt or inability is captured on the timeless canvas.
Despite the hardness of the subjects and the almost scientific visualisation, the works of dieter.f.mertens remain above all very human and intended to initiate a dialogue with the viewer.
dieter.f.mertens is not loyal to a specific style, but he adjusts the form to the emotion that he wants to convey. As such, his portfolio shows figurative, abstract but also conceptual works. Even a short movie and industrial prints are an extension of his visual language.